Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hong Kong Part 1

Hong Kong, AMAZING! What a city! In the heart of the island, it is literally building on top of another building. I wish I had a better photo to describe the skyline but this is the best I could get. Jamie and I took a last minute trip to Hong Kong to visit my parents who have been travelling around for the past few weeks (mostly in the Philippines). We could not say no to this opportunity to see Hong Kong! Thanks mom and dad for sending us over!

on our way to Kowloon

My dad's facial expression when I say something that annoys him......great photo catch Jamie!

We spent most of our Saturday eating, but in the in-between times we went shopping and touring. We spent the morning touring Kowloon which is a 7 minuet ferry ride from the Central Business District (Hong Kong Island is a similar concept to Manhattan NYC). After lunch we had to split off into smaller groups (there were 7 of us and too many people with too many ideas of what we wanted to do) so Jamie and I stole my mom for the afternoon and put her on a bus! This might be her first bus ride in 20 years but she very much enjoyed the experience. We took a 20 minuet bus ride to the other side of Hong Kong island to Stanley Market. I did not know what to expect, nor did I realize how big this island was, as most of the “action” is located on such a “small” condensed stripe. Stanley Market was awesome! Lush, green, BEACHES and quaint little towns. Can you imagine that just through the tunnel onto the other side of Hong Kong is this amazing small town feel?

Market shopping mayhem!

Hong Kong has this vibe about it that I cannot describe. Many people told us that Singapore was so sterile, lacking culture and I never understood what they meant, until now. The city feels so much more alive! Jaime described it as Hong Kong is like Manhattan as Singapore is to Boston (i’ve never been to Boston but I can kinda understand what he means). Despite the city, I loved the weather! It was so refreshing to have a chilly rainy day, it reminded me of home and we had to stop at a cafe to sip a foamy latte to warm up. I miss having 4 seasons!


Apparently in Hong Kong there are 24 1/2 hours in the day?

Auntie and Uncle Richie

I loved Hong Kong and I am VERY much looking forward to another trip back to further explore! Until the next time.....

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like such a lively city! I like Jamie's analogy ... maybe you could take it further and say "Hong Kong is to Seattle as Singapore is to Bellevue"? Zing!
